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Vehicles or Hot Exterior Metal Surfaces


On any metal surface such as motorcycles, house siding, autos and trucks, etc., DO NOT use full strength in hot sun or while surface is hot.  Let it cool down, spray with cold water and then apply ZERO TOLERANCE and hose again.


Recreation equipment such as vans, campers, boats, RV’s, tents, sleeping bags, hunting, fishing and sporting equipment can benefit from the use of ZERO TOLERANCE for exterior cleaning problems and interior cleaning of carpets, oven, upholstery, and mildew.  Great for removing tree stains, mildew, mold and dirt from portable awnings on mobile homes and semi-tractors.  Great for any baked-on enamel surface.


Boats, Motorcycles, etc.:

  1. Dilute ZERO TOLERANCE 2 oz. to 10 oz. water

  2. Apply with cloth or sponge, working soil loose.

  3. Rinse thoroughly with pressure hose. Buff surface dry.   


Mobile Homes, Aluminum Siding, Gutters, Camping Trailers, RV’s and Semi-Tractors:

  1. Dilute ZERO TOLERANCE 2 oz. to 30 oz. water. If oxidization, mildew, grease, oil or diesel is present use 1 oz. to 10 oz.

  2. Dip sponge/mop into solution and wipe clean.

  3. Spray mist with hose and let dry.

  4. Optional – spray with liquid wax to shine

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